Free Your Will

What’s your Story?

So, off on a new venture into the realm of spirituality and human consciousness. I hope you find the time to join me on the path to enlightenment. This was a topic my brother and I discussed over and over delving further and further into the concept of free will and how it effects a person’s day to day life.  What is free will and why does it matter? Free will = choice. There is not really an easier way to define or explain the concept other than that alone. Outside of the context of spirituality, free will is still defined by the ability to act with your own discretion or preference. Though, in the context of spirituality, there are many perspectives to be considered and one such perspective that often is overlooked is the perspective of God themselves.

Many people are familiar with the concept of God bestowing humans with free will. The will to make decisions and choices on our own, no matter how intelligent or not those choices may seem to others, the choice was yours and yours alone. I have heard many times that I was “made” or “had” to do something but when you stop and think about that thing that “made” you act or the reasoning behind why you “had” to do it, you realize that it was a choice. Did you have to get up for work this morning? Did you have to watch the latest TV program? Did someone make you pick up your room? Were you forced into eating unhealthy food? Did you have to have just one more drink? Well, the answer to these questions can seem rather complicated with lots of underlying reasoning behind why this or why that. But let me point out something. You can stop reading this post right now. Nothing is preventing you from clicking off and finding some other object to focus your attention on. You in fact do not have to get up in the morning, you could stay in bed all day if you wanted. When someone asks you to do something like clean your room? It is a request and the action that follows is a choice. How you come to make the choice isn’t the point this time. The fact is, it was your choice to perceive the situation to feel forced or obligated. Instead of thinking and saying we “have to do something” or “there making me do this” we can start shifting that perspective to one that no longer carries the weight of obligation but instead motivation and determination. So, we can say “I’m excited to get my stuff organized”, “I really enjoy getting to live in a clean and organized area”. By accepting and understanding that we have a choice, and that choice is controlled by nothing other than our own thoughts and intention is key in moving forward in our day-to-day lives and on the road to enlightenment. By now you have probably started considering what it looks like to have no free will?

 Ultimately, that is what I began to consider next. Well, people like to talk and joke about NPC theory or elaborate on the concept that few people in the world are real and the others are essentially just base programing. When we live day to day stuck in a world outside of our control, manipulated by work, life, or other obligations we choose to be just that. Pick whatever term fits best for you, but nonetheless we would all be NPC’s, automatons, or programed beings with essentially no power or control to change the lives’ we are living. If we make the choice to let the environment determine the context of our reality than we choose to give our power to that reality. Instead let your power become your choice, your action, and your thoughts. Let your intentions speak through everything you do.

Humanity was given the ability to do WHATEVER they want with this thing called free will. So, how do people still find themselves blaming these higher powers for their lacks, inabilities, and unrealized dreams. When instead the real power to make these choices and determinations has been with us this whole time. In fact, I would argue, since the origin of humanity itself, but why does that matter?

 Well, it means, that we at the very least, should probably recognize what that implies for God. So, humanity can take a step back and stop holding God accountable for things out of their control. This is an important concept that will rewrite your perspective moving forward in life. The moment the choice was made that humanity was to be given free will was the moment that changed everything. God gave away the power and ability to control humanity. Why this is important is because it means that from the moment you are born to the moment you die God has no ability to manipulate your life. WAIT…? Giving humanity free will also gave away the ability to influence and cast favor upon someone because by casting favor upon someone, means you are influencing there free will and the free will of others. Which some find rather disheartening but in fact it is quite the opposite. The reasoning is rather simple behind this concept, if God had the ability in any way to manipulate or control anything in your life than guess what… you don’t have a free will anymore. This also means and can be concluded that sickness, death, and even natural disasters are out of the control of Gods divine intervention. This is incredibly important because we find ourselves blaming God for not answering our prayers. It would not matter whether you were the lowest beggar, or the hierarchy of nobility, God could not interfere in your life. So, answering your prayers both will and won’t happen because it already did and didn’t ever happen. If your still following, God gave you the power, the power of choice, the power of will, but we are the limiters of that power. You were already given the power to answer every prayer you will ever have, the answer is your free will, your determination, and your belief.

God did something more than just giving humanity free will and choice that day. God made something more than just a being. We are made in the image of God, gifted with the power of free will, allowed to control our own destiny without potential manipulation, and the ability to create limitless potentials. God gave humanity not just free will but divinity itself. We create worlds, life, and break the boundaries of potential on a daily basis. We are capable of everything imaginable but currently limited by belief. It has always been about belief in ourselves and our true potential! The power is in you and has been the whole time. It is when we find the ability to have true belief beyond all doubt that we find power in ourselves and our future. Have you ever wondered why in some of the movies and legends; the hero is contending with not only great feats of wonder but also defying the fates?

If everyone had a predetermined destiny that was controlled by fate, then would effort be necessary in your life and future. Would you need to have any purpose or drive whatsoever? Personally, I find destiny just a method of telling you that you something is impossible or impossible for others to achieve. Destiny has become an excuse for lack of effort and a means of discounting achievements. Believing in destiny does not lead to a life of fulfillment or happiness only blame and envy of others because we choose to believe that we are not capable of such feats and destined for the futures we are living. Say that you just scored an “A” on an exam or impressed your boss in an interview. We give away our power when we fail to acknowledge the truth behind fate. That truth is, there is no fate, nor are we destined. I own my accomplishments and the work I put into them. I know the dedication it took to push through every struggle and come out the other side. I will not choose to downplay my accomplishments by giving them to fate and destiny. I control my fate and write my destiny. God gave us the ability to create our own destiny through our belief and determination. We can be and do anything we want, that was kind of the point. You can choose to beg on the street, save the world, become Billionaires, or the even next messiah. With free will all that is left in securing the future of your dreams is the determination to see it through and the belief in your own limitless potential.

I hope you found a few useful tools that you can add to your repertoire. Thank you for joining me as I explore the meaning of life, reality, and spirituality while on the road to enlightenment. Now, before I end, ask yourself one final question. If you were shown the path to enlightenment, would you take it? Or an even better question is, if you were handed the tools to create anything possible, given no restrictions. What would you create?

Bishop: John Sarti


Find Your Path


January: What is the Mind?