Hello I am Bishop Andrew Mcleod Lokci Sarti. I was born in the early 90’s in southern California and raised there until enlisting in the United States Marines. I am living in Washington now an work as an Event Coordinator and Banquet Captain. Spirituality and religion has been something that I’ve loved my entire life. For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed learning and brainstorming spirituality and theology in most any form. Taking what I learn, I am constantly developing the ideas that form my beliefs and practices. Most people that have gotten to know me, have recognized me for these. Even in the Marines I was known as the witchdoctor in boot camp, and when I flew and fixed helicopters my squadron call sign was “the wizard”. Which was more then a great nickname, for I was the person everyone consulted regarding anything religious or spiritual. One thing that I hold as divinely important in value is the relationships we form and the communications that we have between each other. For this reason, an many others I am extremely excited to continue this journey with more company.