Sir. JB Brown BIO

Sir. JB Brown was born in 1975 to a poor country preacher, Pastor Edward & Frances Brown. From a place he calls Chesterville CA.

He was concieved in Sussanville CA and when he was born, the country Dr. was on call in Chester CA. So his parents went to Chester where our future founder was born. He spent the first 7 years of his life becoming a man of the mountains. He was 7 years old when his world came to a stop when a church member of one of his father’s church’s beat his face until half of his face was shattered and all but one rib on the left side was fractured or broken.

lets flash forward to the mid eighties. When young JB was around 11 years old he was sent on a family trip to visit relatives for a month. The unruly JB was rude and a jerk. ( his words ) JB after getting in a fight with his adult relatives, told them that he was gonna just leave. So at 11 years old he started hitch hiking to run away. He was kidnapped where he escaped from the man in the semi truck. Then to be beat up from street kids. This is when he jumped off a bridge to kill himself, only to fail. He went back up the bridge to kill himself for the second and final time. He was saved by a man who by chance was saved by JB’s father Pastor Ed many years before. What are the odds?

Things changed when living in Atlanta GA. His family moved into a ghetto and he was beaten on a daily basis from black gang bangers becuase he had a sister who was black. JB at such a young age faught the KKK when they burned crosses on his familys front yard becuase we were a white family with a black child. He has been on the side of racism from black and white people.

To stop getting beat up every day, he joined a gang. At the time he thought it was the only answer. He not only joined a gang but in his initianation he along with 2 other boys were put on their knees and a revolver was put to JB’s head and the trigger pulled. He lived. There was only one bullet in the gun. The boy next to JB was not so lucky. The trigger was pulled and young JB had brain matter all over himself and his other friend Dove. The little boy was now a gangster. He shortly there after got rid of the leader and moved up to the position of leader. He actually was famous for not being famous. He learned you can be the boss of an outfit but others dont know you are even alive. Own nothing but control everything. A lesson he learned as a young child from his father. After a shootout and attempt of JB’s life, which ended with his family’s home being shot up with two Mac 10 machine guns almost killing family members.

This is when his father was in shock of who his son had become. He was a boy running a gang and yet he was no boy.

The family moved to another state where JB got involved with the next step up in the underworld. An organized family saw his potential and their profit potential. So he was given the State as his region to operate. ( his attorneys say he may not get into names and dates because it could incriminate himself )

After serving two years of time from 15 to 17 years old. He was known as The Irish Beast or just the Beast. He learned to have a puppet head as the figure and yet no one knew who he was. A force so scary that all these decades later his name still rings fear into the hearts of men.

Then one day after a conversation with his adopted mom, he decided to walk away from the underworld. He went and informed the boss that he was out. It took only a conversation, because when the Beast said it, it became real. No one wanted to see him unload his fury on them or their family.

The next few decade he was ordained a minister and built business’s and traveled the world creating real positive change through living a positive lifestyle, hence his motto #LivePositive was created. He was mentored by some of the worlds greatest ministers and CEO’’s, to help make him the man he is today.

He had a child during his teenage years that only his father new about whom later died. the loss is not something he can’t often put into words. Then he was married and had two more sons and a few miscarriages. After 19 1/2 years of marriage it ended in divorce. Not just divorce , but one of the worst ones ever. Years in court and then after fighting for 2 years, his ex wife conquered up some charges and they stuck. Off to prison again. This time for something he did’’t even do. He laughed and did his 6 year sentence with a smile. Because he felt , “I feel that after being investigated for crimes of capital offense which I never was convicted of; that this was my karma. We reap what we sow.”

Starting from scratch and $20 in his pocket, he walked out of prison and started over with his life from nothing and with no one. His fame was gone and his millions also. Only a handful of friends which is all he ever needed.

What most people do not know is our Bishop’s health is not good, so the Dr’s say. If you ask him how he is doing you will get the famous “FANTASTIC” answer. JB believes in speaking those things that are not as though they are. This positive tool has saved his live multiple times. He has had 4 heart attacks, 2 massive strokes which he had to learn how to walk and talk all over again, tumors, cancer, 33 mini strokes TIA’s and 7 heart surgeries and two stents. He was told more times than he can count that he will be dead by a certain date. Only to shock the doctors and keep on living and overcoming the odds. He has died three times, yet keeps coming back.

He is now happily married to an amazing woman CiCi Brown, The First Lady of TCI; and has two more amazing sons and two wonderful granddaughters who are the jewel of his heart and a daughter in law who is the best, plus all the other in-laws and outlaws. ( if you want to see him smile ask about his family. He speaks of his sons and grandchildren with the biggest smile ever ) JB calls the men in Jonathan’s Refuge knuckleheads. They are also spiritual sons like Jesse and Cam. The Brown’s are blessed. He fights every day for his health and to live. But as you all know he loves to climb mountains like Mt Adams and other volcanos'. They call him Mountain Man. So he will continue to climb mountains, to show others no matter what you go through you can make it if you BELIEVE!

The Browns live in Washington State and travel throughout the world speaking and mentoring others to overcome life’s obstacles.

They founded in 2021 a non profit called Grace Connection Services which his wife CiCi is the CEO and he is the Chairman. They also founded Jonathan’s Refuge a home of hope for men and woman coming out of prison or out of addiction and homelessness.

The first Jonathans Refuge is located in Marysville WA and its doors opened in 2022. Where TCI opened its first inhome church there. Sir. JB Brown is a much sought after speaker ( some call him a motivational speaker. JB doesnt agree. He wants to inspire but give the person the blueprints to help make that real change last and not just get some fuzzy good feelings after hearing him speak) on the topics of Leadership, Inclusionism, Overcoming life altering events.

JB has been knighted three times in his life. Most recently he was Knighted and his wife was made a Dame by His Majesty Nana Agyemang Duah Katakyie III ,Ghana Africa, Sovereign Chief of New Sawaereso-Seinuah, Sanaaheene of The ROYAL ORDERS, raised Jonathan Brown to be The Honourable Knight Sir. Jonathan Brown as KNIGHT OF THE ROYAL ORDER OF THE TIGER AND HAWK and his wife Cynthia Brown was Raised DAME of the same order for their work in humanitarian efforts in helping the most vulnerable humans find peace, love and their place in this world. They are defenders of those who cannot defend themselves.
