Love ALL

As a little boy our founder Sir. JB Brown died for the first of three times. He met the Great Creator. He asked God what was his calling in life? The Creator said, “LOVE ALL”.

Not some , but ALL! Gay, Straight, Black or White. God is not a Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, ect………….

God is LOVE!

Here at TCI, we are a spiritual Center teaching Love, not doctrine, and grace not condemnation. We focus on showing people how to become the best version of themselves. We throw off the chains, bondage and restrictions of Religion.

Our religion is LOVE!

Man has written many sacred books of faith, like the bible, quran, and the holy vedas, ect…………..

God is NOT a specific faith!

Humankind has over the years been inspired to write books and call them the word of God. But they are not the word of God. They are inspired by God, but written by man. Man has flaws, so those books have flaws. God has never asked one of his children to kill another one of his children in his name. That is man trying to say God wills it that we ( a tribe or religion ) are the chosen ones.

ALL are chosen!

TCI is a spiritual center that welcomes with open arms ALL.

You were made perfect, so come and be part of a family who loves you as you are made imperfectly perfect.

ALL are welcome!

Come and be accepted as you are.



Sir.JB Brown

Senior Spiritual Leader


“A Spiritual Sanctuary for ALL”

Mission Statement