TCI was founded by our Founder Sir. JB Brown in the fall of 1997. The original name was Life & Growth in the Spirit. This was before we changed it to Its current name TCI The Church of Inclusion. Sir. JB Brown is a 5th generational preacher. He was ordained in Waterville Maine in a small country episcopal church, under two of his three fathers. One of which was under Arch Bishop Earl P. Paulk and the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, now Spirit and Truth Sanctuary. At that time the ICCC was under the office of Arch Bishop Earl P. Paulk. The ICCC was the child of Pope Paul VI to create and mediate the Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogues.

Most ministers always want to boast of their spiritual legacy, but Pastor Brown is a man who cares not about spiritual titles, instead he cares about seeing real positive Growth in individuals. He never cared about doctrine and following the traditional so called path,rules and laws from supposably god. He took a deep look at the current model of the church and all other faiths. This is when he decided to create a ministry of inclusionism. He was cast out of the traditional churches. His annual average church speaking engagements was over 250 a year with multiple appearances on TV and many conferences. He lost it all, Gladly. Many Pastors and Bishops tried to get him to convert back to the lies of exclusiveness. But Pastor Brown stood his ground. He then lost all financial support from his exclusive followers. That’s when he went into the business world to make his own money and henceforth have no puppet master.

TCI is a large supporter of Jonathan’s Refuge. A Home of Hope. These homes are for men and woman who are coming out of prison or off the street. Our founder was homeless living under bridges and eating dog food to live. Pastor Brown understands the needs of those that are broken. So he created Jonathan’s Refuge under the support of TCI and Grace Connection Services GCS a 501(c)3 non profit.